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    https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Rl6fgyW0nWGtND72egvAd?si=bxoZzO7LR4GQhiK4Cd9kyQ Od otvorenja, 1925., do danas hotel “Esplanade” bio je boravište mnogih poznatih umjetnika, političara i okrunjenih glava. Jednako važno je da je “Esplanade” oduvijek srce zagrebačkog društvenog života. Direktor Ivica Max Krizmanić radi u hotelu već tridesetak godina. Počeo je

    In the cult restaurant "Delmonico's", located in the financial district of New York City, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia ended his visit to the United States of America, where, in addition to attending the United Nations session, he mingled with numerous Croats from the east and west coasts of America. "City

    https://open.spotify.com/episode/75Y1wIDP5jcUndm2JXDNTk?si=qhOjDviARh2OrQYODap-Ug Impresia Hotels, novi brend Udruge jedinstvenih hrvatskih hotela, predstavljen je prošli tjedan u New Yorku. Ova kolekcija okuplja 17 hrvatskih luksuznih boutique hotela koji pružaju posebna, autentična i domaća iskustva, a čiji su ključni gosti upravo američki posjetitelji koji putuju individualno.

    https://open.spotify.com/episode/7x75genSH1B7vbZXC0okDf?si=0507c31fb64644c4 Na svečanosti koja će se održati 26. listopada u Pittsburghu, jedanaest novih laureata bit će uvedeno u Hrvatsko-američku sportsku Kuću slavnih (CAS-HOF) Nacionalne federacije Hrvata u Americi (NFCA). Tim povodom voditelj Mark Plavetić razgovarao je s čuvenim košarkaškim trenerom Mattom

    *PROGRAM SCHEDULE ON "Croatians Online", Saturday, September 28.09.2024, 11. Start: 00:17 (EST) // 00:1 (HR)/link to listen live at: www.croatiansonline.com Live Saturday radio program "CROATIANS SATURDAY LIVE - CSL" Part 11 of the live program: CROATIAN PART 12-XNUMX hours HOST IN CROATIAN LANGUAGE: Petra Peša; TECHNICAL AND MUSIC EDITORS: Igor Paulišić,

    The editorial staff of Croatians Online is proud to announce that it will participate in the eighth consecutive ACAP conference, which will be held in Las Vegas at the beginning of October. ACAP (Association of Croatian American Professionals) is a non-profit organization that has been connecting and inspiring Croatian-American professionals for ten years.