INTERVIEW Tonči Glavina: After 10 years in America, I returned to Croatia – it was not an easy decision, but it was definitely worth it! Gordana Škugor, voditeljica Croatians Onlinea, donosi nam ekskluzivni razgovor s Ministrom turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske Tončijem Glavinom. Gordana je razgovarala s ministrom Glavinom u restoranu Delmonico’s u New Yorku, gdje je ovog utorka Turistička zajednica Splitsko-dalmatinske županije predstavila bogatu
VIDEO Surveillance camera recorded the moment of collision between a passenger plane and a Black Hawk
Last night there was a tragic accident over Washington in which an American Airlines passenger plane and a US Army Black Hawk military helicopter collided. The incident occurred near Reagan Washington National Airport, after which both aircraft crashed
Central Dalmatia to round up successful Croatia travel week in New York City
"Last but not least", as they say, was true for the grand finale of Croatia's tourism week in NYC, the presentation of Central Dalmatia for travel professionals and media in NYC's iconic Delmonico's Restaurant owned by Croatians. Ace New York
[AUDIO ON SPOTIFY] Croatians Saturday Live – recording of the show 25.1.2025. Za sve one koji su propustili emitiranje uživo, donosimo snimku emisije “Croatians Saturday Live” emitirane 25. siječnja 2025. Iz programa izdvajamo: 00:06:03 – uvod i najava programa 00:12:22 - povodom proslave “Pavlova" iz Malinske se javlja načelnik Robert Anton Kraljić 00:23:19 - o proslavi
[AUDIO ON SPOTIFY] Dražen Radman: Every man can change when he comes before God Pastor Dražen Radman nam je ispričao priču o svom nekadašnjem životu nastavnika te koji je to trenutak koji ga je odveo u novi i na sasvim drugačiji, duhovni životni put. Ispričao nam je kako mu je pošlo za rukom napisati
Milanović: We are obliged to mark the thirtieth anniversary of "Storm" in a magnificent way
President Zoran Milanović proposes that the 30th anniversary of the Military-Police Operation "Storm" be marked with a ceremonial parade of the Croatian Armed Forces on Victory Day, August 5, in Zagreb, it was announced today from Pantovčak. We are publishing the President's statement in full: "This year, the Republic of Croatia will mark the 30th anniversary of the victorious Military-Police Operation "Storm"
Minister Glavina in New York: Croatia among the world's top 5 destinations
The Croatian National Tourist Board presented the entire Croatian tourism offer at the "New York Travel & Adventure Show", which took place on January 25 and 26. The special feature of this year's appearance, or rather the presentation of Croatian tourism on the American market, is Croatia's status as a Partner Country, and the Croatian pavilion
[AUDIO ON SPOTIFY] Željko Primorac: Comic strip about King Tomislav will bring this important anniversary closer to younger generations Obilježavanje 1100. obljetnice Hrvatskog Kraljevstva započinje 16. veljače u Splitu, u spomen na krunidbu kralja Tomislava 925. godine na Duvanjskom polju. Tijekom cijele godine Splitsko-dalmatinska županija organizirat će 15 događanja posvećenih ovoj značajnoj obljetnici. O detaljima programa i važnosti projekta
[AUDIO ON SPOTIFY] Petar Vlaić: Our Croatians in the USA can also invest in voluntary pension funds Petar Vlaić, čelni čovjek Erste Plavih fondova, govori o ulaganjima u mirovinske fondove i kako oni utječu na mirovine. Osim u domaće kompanije, ulažu i u međunarodne kompanije i fondove u drugim državama. Aktivni su i na američkim burzama. Podcast uređuje
Most Precious Blood Church/Croatian Catholic Mission, Blessed Ivan Merz Astoria, NY, Celebrates Life and Community
By Josip Bogovic Every year in January, the Croatian Community of the Most Precious Church, The Croatian Catholic Mission, Blessed Ivan Merz, celebrates life, faith, and community in Astoria, New York. Every year, the day of celebrating the annual family gathering