[AUDIO ON SPOTIFY] Zvonimir Mihanović: I am proud of the Croatian community in New York
https://open.spotify.com/episode/6khdUtwAGkxtMXFRHo9J1e?si=KV_cxkuoSja2YeSDCfOQug Damirov gost je glasoviti hrvatski slikar sa splitskom adresom – Zvonimir Mihanović. "Moje su slike opomena, podsjećanje i nostalgija na miran i jednostavan život", kaže umjetnik čija djela s idiličnim motivima dalmatinskih kamenih kuća, barki, bonaca i mora u svijetu
[AUDIO ON SPOTIFY] Nikola Mihaljević: Croatia has become a land of opportunities
https://open.spotify.com/episode/6FA3vJObP6CMd2fPsTDL2R?si=7SP2SouLT4SbY3CSYZWAuQ Jubilarna 10. konferencija Meeting G2, usmjerena na poslovno povezivanje domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske, održana je proteklog vikenda u zagrebačkom hotelu Westin. Tom prigodom voditelj Damir Kolić razgovarao je s Nikolom Mihaljevićem, jednim od organizatora konferencije.
[AUDIO ON SPOTIFY] Zlatko Marinović: Croatia has the oldest kitchen and the oldest chef in the world
https://open.spotify.com/episode/0X7RgZGXAZ6S1wWvrsVEEt?si=o9fIggoWSS2uSy-oKX14Dg Nakon svete mise u Hrvatskoj crkvi sv. Ćirila i Metoda i sv. Rafaela, u Hrvatskom kulturnom centru sv. Nikola Tavelić u New Yorku, naš Damir Kolić se susreo s istaknutim splitskim kuharom Zlatkom Marinovićem. Povod njihovom razgovoru bila je nova Marinovićeva
Gordan Jandroković for Croatians Online: I am proud that Croats in New York preserve their traditional values
Damir Kolić, Croatians Online correspondent from Washington, brings us an interview with the President of the Croatian Parliament. Kolić spoke with Mr. Jandroković at the Croatian Center of St. Nikola Tavelić in New York, regarding his trip to the USA. Namely, Jandroković last week
Hrvoje Mandić: "Herzegovinian Franciscans saved innocent victims of National Socialist persecution throughout the war"
The historian Dr. Hrvoje Mandić, author of the book "The Franciscan Province of Herzegovina in the Second World War and its aftermath", was a guest in the Croatians Online studio. This book is based on decades of research into the problems of the Herzegovinian Franciscans during the Second World War and its aftermath. It is extremely important for
Fr. Ivica Vrbić for Croatians Online: "We missionaries are the extended hands of the great Croatian heart"
Last Saturday in the studio of Croatians Online, Fr. Ivica Vrbić, a young Croatian Franciscan Capuchin who has been working in the mission in Bolivia for 9 years, was a guest. About his missionary call, his experience of living in South America and working with the most vulnerable groups - the poor
Damir Kolich: Greetings to all listeners of our online radio!
Host Damir Kolić welcomed all listeners of the new online radio Croatians Online live. Listen to the announcement of the morning program!