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    This Saturday in the program: Tatiana Cameron Tajči, Max Kovačević, Vjeran and Helen Duplančić, Tončica Čeljuska and many others!

    *PROGRAM SCHEDULE ON "Croatians Online", Saturday, June 27.07.2024, XNUMX.

    Start: 11:00 (EST) // 17:00 (HR)/link to listen live at: www.croatiansonline.com

    Saturday radio program live



    Part 1 of the live program: CROATIAN PART

    PRESENTERS IN CROATIAN LANGUAGE: Zvonimir Antolos, Damir Kolich, Darija Ivković, Gordana Škugor and Petra Peša

    As part of the program:

    • Live in the studio hanging out with the most popular Croatian musician in the diaspora, Tatiana Cameron - Tajči

    - Vlado Šestan, Travel Advisor, for 'Croatians Online' he spoke with Nataša Kačar and told the listeners: "Nataša Kačar knows very well what the situation is on the labor market in

    Croatia; how many foreigners are coming; where they come from; how much and where do our workers go?; why our waiters who spend the winter season on ski resorts in Austria more

    do they not work on the Adriatic in summer?; listen to the answers to all questions in my conversation with Nataša!" (interview prepared and conducted by Vlado Šestan); 

    Part 2 of the live program: ENGLISH PART

    (*ENGLISH SEGMENT: following program is presented in English only*)


    - introduction to the second part of the program by Sara Skoda


    – "Keep it Croatian with Sara" (news from around the world & upcoming events);

    Part 3 of the live program: podcasts // podcast

    • The Sport and Homeland podcast is hosted by Zvonimir Antolos - the guest in the first show is Maks Kovačević - born in New York, lives and works in Croatia as a football manager. Former basketball player Jazina reveals how to recognize the talent of a young athlete and what is needed for a successful sports career

    exactly at 13:30:

    - "Our beautiful Dalmatia": in today's episode, the guests are Vjeran Duplančić, President of the "Split Perth" Society and Helen Duplančić, a member of the Croatian folklore group "Zagreb" from Perth, and they talk with Ojdan about cultivating Croatian customs in distant Australia (section/ the podcast is edited and hosted by Ojdana Koharević);

    - Vlado Šestan, Travel Advisor, for 'Croatians Online' he spoke with Tončica Čeljuska and along with his interview with her, he himself says: "The well-known host and television personality reveals to us everything about her good looks and the interesting guests she talked to in her talk show: in his film; rich career is crowned with a show in which famous and successful people from various activities of public life are guests" (the interview was prepared and conducted by Vlado Šestan); 

    ************************************************** **********

    – "Little Nook" with Melissa Colovic (podcast prepared and hosted by Mark Plavetic);


    Below, after the live broadcast: you can listen to all broadcasts later on Spotify, on the web: croatiansonline.com

    *The program is subject to changes by the Editorial Board in accordance with the program conditions.


    Listen to Croatians Online here:


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