MG2 EXCELLENCE These are the winners of the award for strengthening economic ties between Croatia and emigration
On the eve of the festive dinner on the occasion of the end of the 10th anniversary conference Meeting G2, on Friday in the Crystal Hall of the Westin Hotel, the "MG2 Excellence" awards were given, within the framework of which the Meeting G2 Association gave special recognition to people who have contributed to Croatia economically.
Neven Spahija is the "Croat of the Month" for September 2024.
The editorial staff of "Croatians Online" has just awarded the award "Croat of the Month" for the month of September this year. This certificate, with which we highlight individuals or groups who work dedicatedly and consistently to promote Croatia in the world, belonged to the basketball coaching legend - Neven Spahija. Neven Spahija from Sibenik
Croatia, Slovenia and Austria together on the US market
Croatia, Slovenia and Austria launched a joint promotional campaign on the large and important market of the USA. It is about the "Alps-Adriatic-Amazing" campaign, as part of which promotional activities are carried out by the Croatian Tourist Board and its Representative Office in New York, the Slovenian Tourist Organization (STO) and
EXCLUSIVE Luxury spa centers Yes to beauty are expanding to the American market!
On the occasion of the expansion to the American market and the opening of the company in New York, we present an exclusive interview with Mr. Mladen Zebić, the company's founder and CEO Yes to Beauty corp of that company Da ljepoti d.o.o. This luxury spa management concept, which already
Vegeta in a new guise will first appear on the shelves of German stores
After almost ten years since the last refresh, Vegeta gets a new visual expression that increases its visibility and global attractiveness. The goal is for Podravka's innovation and globally most recognizable product to attract new generations of consumers with this redesign and to additionally contribute to the general familiarity of Vegeta. New
In Đurdin, a traditional competition of Croats from Bač was held in the manual harvesting of grain
Marinko Kujundžić and Ruža Juhas are the winners of the attractive manifestation of Croats from Bač "Competition of cartoonists", i.e. reapers in hand-mowing grain, which was held on Saturday next to the local church in the village of Đurđin in the north of Vojvodina. Competition of "drawers", how to cut grass in the Subotica region
Air France is ready to welcome the whole world to Paris this summer
From July 27 to August 11, 2024, at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, an area of more than 850 square meters offers a unique opportunity to learn about the world of airlines and enjoy a gourmet gastronomic experience at the Air restaurant
EURO 2024: What do the polls say, who will be the winner?
The first day of one of the most watched sports events in the world is celebrated on June 14. The desire for the best team to rise to the top of the UEFA European Championship has already captured the imagination of Central European football fans. According to the public opinion survey conducted by CEPER,
NIKOLA TESLA EV RALLY Croatian panoramic roads and hidden beauties delighted the participants!
This year's 11th edition of the most beautiful and quietest rally in the world "Nikola Tesla EV Rally Croatia 2024" ended on June 1, 2024 with the award ceremony and announcement of the winner in Šibenik! The rally has traditionally started in Istria, with the participant accreditation ceremony in Rovinj on the 27th.
These are the new Croatian representatives in the European Parliament
In the elections for the European Parliament on Sunday, twelve candidates were elected, including four new MEPs - Davor Ivo Stier (HDZ), Nikolina Brnjac (HDZ), Stephen Nikola Bartulica (DP) and Gordan Bosanac (Možemo!). Six representatives were elected from the HDZ list - Andrej Plenković, Dubravka Šuica, Davor