Raste broj studenata hrvatske manjine na domaćim fakultetima
Državni tajnik Središnjeg ureda za Hrvate izvan Hrvatske Zvonko Milas istaknuo je u petak na otvaranju 29. Foruma hrvatskih manjina kako raste broj studenata pripadnika hrvatske manjine i onih iz iseljeništva koji u upisuju hrvatske fakultete, a u ovoj akademskoj godini upisano je
American Election Inspires Lecture at University of Zadar, Drawing a Packed Audience
On December 4th, a student organization of the History Department at one of Croatia's largest public universities, the University of Zadar, hosted a lecture panel on a topic none other than.. the recent US elections! The panel included history professor dr. Branko Kasalo, and sociology
Wellness Wisdom: Doctor’s Monthly Advice – November Edition – MEN’S HEALTH
By: Sara Skoda As part of our continued effort towards health and wellness, and as we close on November, we are focusing on men’s health and especially men’s mental health. This month, I thought I would share a bit from my
RIT Croatia Alumni Reunion in NYC: Celebrating Success, Connection and Shared Memories
Last weekend, the New York City’s Figaro restaurant hosted a small reunion of RIT Croatia NY-based alumni. Organized by the institution, this small gathering brought together President and Dean Irena Guszak, Dragan Mrkajić (Trustee on the RIT Croatia Board of
New Book “Interesting and Less Known Facts About Croatia” Explores the Country Beyond the Tourist Trail
Los Angeles, 2024-11-12 — Croatia has long been known for its stunning coastline, historic cities, and vibrant culture, but a new book is shedding light on the lesserknown aspects of this beautiful country. "Interesting and Less Known Facts About Croatia"
Wellness Wisdom: Doctor’s Monthly Advice – October Edition – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
As part of our new initiative, Wellness Wisdom: Doctor’s Monthly Advice, we are excited to bring you expert insights from leading professionals in the field of health and wellness. This month, we feature Dr. Dino Ravnic, an esteemed physician from
70. rođendan Male škole hrvatskog jezika u Argentini
Mala škola hrvatskog jezika u Buenos Airesu proslavila je 70. rođendan, uz potporu Hrvatske matice iseljenika i Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i mladih RH. Službeni program održan je u Hrvatskom katoličkom centru sv. Nikola Tavelić na Tejaru. Učiteljica Martina Prpić vodila je
Dr. Alen Juginovic Hosts Croatian Medical Students at Harvard
On Saturday, August 17th, Dr. Alen Juginovic, along with the Croatian NGO Med&X Association, welcomed eight Croatian medical students to Harvard University for an enriching and insightful experience. The visit included a comprehensive tour of some of Harvard's most prestigious
Otvorene prijave za stipendije Hrvatske bratske zajednice
Započele su prijave za stipendije Školarinske zaklade Hrvatske Bratske zajednice koja je osnovana 1958. i do sada je stipendirala više od 10.500 studenata. Sama zaklada se temelji na zakladnim fondovima, kako same HBZ tako i njezinih pojedinih bratimskih loža i pojedinaca,
Započela je Mala škola hrvatskoga jezika i kulture u Novom Vinodolskom
U Novom Vinodolskom, primorskom ljetovalištu bogate kulturne prošlosti, otvorena je 31. po redu Mala škola hrvatskoga jezika i kulture u organizaciji Hrvatske matice iseljenika. Djeca u dobi 9-14 godina uz druženje i zabavu uče hrvatski jeziku i upoznaju hrvatsku kulturnu i